The RMP for individuals and couples

Order today and you will receive a 37-page report which consists of several parts: introduction – history of the creation and advantages of the RMP study, your motivational profile (chart), your profile (full description of each of the 16 motivators), recommendations and development exercises, as well as a general theoretical part with examples of motivator combinations.


Individual package:
RMP profile + individual discussion

For those who want to get to know their needs, predispositions, talents and values ​​in detail, and then create an individual, motivational plan and take action.


After ordering and completing the online survey, you will receive your individual RMP Motivational Profile and a detailed report (37 pages). From it you will learn what your internal needs are, your strengths and weaknesses, and what motivates you and to what extent. This is an instruction that will help you achieve your goals more easily, in a natural and consistent way.

2During an individual feedback session, a certified RMP Master will analyze your motivational profile with you. He will answer your questions, help you draw conclusions or choose a further path. The interview lasts approximately 60-90 minutes and takes place in person or remotely (via telephone or Skype) at a time and form convenient for you.


Package for couples:
two RMP profiles + joint feedback session

Do you want to get to know each other better? Understand yourself, your partner and your relationship to develop it? Your individual motivational profiles will help you communicate better and properly identify your partner’s behavior and your needs in the relationship.


After ordering and completing the online survey, each of you receives your individual RMP Motivational Profile and a detailed report (37 pages). From it you will learn what your internal needs are, your strengths and weaknesses, and what exactly motivates you and to what extent. This knowledge will help you develop your relationship, despite your differences.

2During the feedback session, a certified RMP Master, together with you, analyzes your motivational profiles, taking into account similarities and differences in needs and behavior. The conversation allows you to recognize and name problems, as well as find solutions for them, and decide on the direction of the future path of life for your couple. The discussion lasts approximately 90 minutes and takes place in person or remotely (via telephone or Skype)

What you will find in the RMP profile

If you don’t want to do something or lack motivation, it’s most often because the task/challenge you set for yourself is not consistent with your needs or value system. And none of the techniques or rousing motivational speeches will make you suddenly like an activity you don’t have the heart for. In order for you to want something, you have to set your priorities and lifestyle according to your internal needs

Reiss Motivation Profile® is an individual diagnosis of 16 universal human needs, which precisely shows what life model will make you happy. It will show you the areas in which you want to pursue yourself and those that you are subconsciously looking for in life. It helps you discover what you often don’t see yourself and prioritize your needs. If there is more of what is important to you in your life, motivation will arise on its own, and supported by appropriate habits, it will serve you every day.

On average, you spend one third of your day at work. Therefore, neither money nor promotions alone will give you full satisfaction, especially in the long run. You need challenges that match your desires and ambitions. RMP shows you your need for ambition and challenges, strong or weak bonds with the group, and social contacts. It determines whether you prefer to work in a team or make independent decisions, what kind of stress and risk motivates you and what “destroys” you.

Reiss Motivation Profile® precisely indicates what needs you need to meet to make your work environment more motivating. If you don’t satisfy your intrinsic desires, even with outstanding earnings, you will perceive your work as an unpleasant and compelling obligation.

Does making a serious decision often give you a headache? Especially since you constantly hear advice and hints about what will be good for you? The best decisions are those taken in harmony with your values.

Reiss Motivation Profile® is an individual diagnosis of 16 universal human needs, which precisely shows what internal aspects of your life you need to take care of first in order to enjoy the decisions you make.

We all want to be together with other people, but not everyone needs it to the same extent. Each of us has individual predispositions to make and keep social bonds. Therefore, building interpersonal relationships is worth starting by getting to know your needs in order to realize which of them and how they affect your relationships with others. You like those who are similar to you. If someone irritates you, you say there is no chemistry between you. You probably had different motivators.

The Reiss Motivation Profile® study shows which character traits you will value in others and which ones you particularly dislike. You will learn who you are friends with and why, and who you will have a rather cold relationship with. RMP will also help you identify the factors responsible for failed relationships and find areas that will allow you to build them to the benefit of both parties. Reiss Motivation Profile® helps you communicate with people who are difficult to get along with, but you need to maintain family or professional contacts with them (for example, a co-worker or even your child).

A proper diet and the right amount of exercise are key for losing weight. Yet, many people find it difficult to exercise regularly or keep a healthy diet. How can you help yourself?

Reiss Motivation Profile® is an individual diagnosis of 16 universal human needs that will help you understand when and in what situations you are most motivated to lose weight:

  • exercising alone or in a group,
  • setting ambitious training challenges or dividing weight loss into different stages,
  • it will also make you realize how important the aesthetics of the exercise space and original clothing are to you, how important the regularity of meals and their variety are,
  • whether a popular sport is enough for you or are you looking for something unique.

A kind of physical activity and diet tailored precisely to your life priorities revealed by the RMP profile give you a higher chance to persevere with your decision. First of all, you need to find your reason why losing weight is important to you.

Some people are keen marathon runners, while others can hardly get themselves off the couch. How to motivate yourself to do sports if you don’t enjoy it?

It is worth answering the question: what is important to me in life, what do I like, and then check in the RMP chart which motivators are the strongest for you. They will help you identify areas that strengthen your motivation to move. By analyzing the strongest motivators, you will certainly find a type of movement that you will not have to force yourself to do. If it is, for example, an increased beauty motivator, you will be motivated to do sports by the need to have a slim figure and a healthy appearance. Then, while practicing sports, you will satisfy a completely different need – and a much stronger one than the need for physical activity.

It is not always about slowing down. Slow life is not for everyone. Find your own paste in life and start living. Free yourself from the guilty conscience telling you that you work too little or too much, or that you don’t have time for your family.

Work-life balance is about finding a balance between professional and personal life. Everybody needs it to a different extent and in a different proportion. You too. Specific motivators will tell you exactly how much you need. Check out:

  • power motivator shows whether you like spending time at work; are you ambitious, the higher the value of this motivator, the more willing you are to work,
  • the family motivator tells you how much you enjoy spending time with your family; high value – then you subordinate your life to your family, low – you like to be independent and active and nothing will stop you from doing so,
  • social contacts, food, beauty, physical activity – if these motivators are at a higher level for you, you have to pursue yourself outside of work, otherwise you will get frustrated.

The Reiss Motivation Profile® is an individual diagnosis of the level of 16 universal psychological needs. Thanks to it, you will learn what and to what extent you want in life. You will learn the hierarchy of your priorities and the causes of your internal conflicts (lack of determination, coherence, duality of needs).

Opposites attracting each other is a myth. Both in your professional and private life, including when choosing partners, you get along better with people who are similar to you and have the same values ​​and motivators.

Thanks to the RMP study, you can see and compare the common areas of your couple’s needs, as well as those that differ between you, in one chart. Diagnostics enables couples to get to know each other and their relationship better, and also to identify conflicts. As a result, it allows decisions to be taken jointly in accordance with the internal system of values of each person.

Ordering an RMP study step by step


Select the type of study and press “order profile” to go to the store and place your order. Remember to give the correct e-mail address, This way, the link to the study is sure to come to you.

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Within 12 hours after payment is credited, you will receive a link to the RMP study.

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Complete the questionnaire at your convenience on a computer or other device with Internet access. It will take you about 25 minutes.

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Within 12 hours of completing the questionnaire at the latest, we will send an incentive profile and a detailed report to your email address.

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At the same time, we will contact you to schedule an individual profile discussion, which is usually held online, at a time convenient for you.

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